About the Engineer / Producer

Travis Hanna

I’ve been playing in bands and recording music since I was a teenager. Initially I recorded my own bands as a way of either saving money or giving us more studio time (which I suppose is the same thing). At some point however, I was bit hard by the recording bug and realized that I was just as passionate about recording and producing as I was playing music (if not more).

As my skills improved, I started getting unsolicited requests to record demos and albums for other bands. The further I got pulled into the recording and production world, the more I wanted to improve my skills. After consuming every recording and production book I could get my hands on, I decided to return to school and formalize my education. I received a Bachelor degree from Berklee College of Music (majoring in music production) in 2021.

While finishing my degree, I built the Electric Platypus production studio and began making my services more widely available to artists of all genres and experience levels.

—Travis Hanna